Snatch | 6 rounds - 1min 20sec on, 10sec off

Scored as total weight snatched

Partner A does rounds 1-3

Partner B does rounds 4-6

Rnd. 1 - 10 Strict HSPU - 1 Squat Snatch

Rnd. 2 - 10 Strict HSPU - 2 Squat Snatch

Rnd. 3 - 10 Strict HSPU - 3 Squat Snatch

Rnd. 4 - 16 Kipping HSPU - 3 Squat Snatch

Rnd. 5 - 16 Kipping HSPU - 2 Squat Snatch

Rnd. 6 - 16 Kipping HSPU - 1 Squat Snatch



Rounds 1-3 (Partner A) does 10 strict hand stand push ups to the ground
Rounds 4-6 (Partner B) does 16 kipping hand stand push ups to the ground
Squat Snatch


Rounds 1-3 (Partner A) does 12 kipping hand stand push ups to the ground
Rounds 4-6 (Partner B) does 12 kipping hand stand push ups to an AbMat
Athletes can ‘ride the bar’ down in the Squat Snatch (you may not power snatch, stand to adjust, then OHS however)


Rounds 1-3 (Partner A) does 2 wall walks
Rounds 4-6 (Partner B) does 10 hand release push ups
Athletes may Squat Snatch or Power Snatch

Notes | Movement standards

Strict Hand Stand Push Ups:

  • Athletes must lock out elbows with arms at full extension at the top of each rep

  • Athlete must bring their head through into the lock out showing full shoulder extension

  • The athlete’s legs must stay straight for the duration of the rep

  • The athlete’s head must touch the ground at the bottom of each rep

Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups:

  • Athletes must lock out elbows with arms at full extension at the top of each rep

  • The athlete’s head must touch the ground at the bottom of each rep

Wall Walks:

  • The rep starts and finishes with the athletes hands, chest and thighs touching the ground

  • Both of the athlete’s hands must contact the black line at the top of the rep

Hand Release Push Ups:

  • At the bottom of the rep, the athlete’s hands must visibly leave the ground at the same time

  • The athlete’s body must stay in a full plank position throughout the rep

  • The athlete’s elbows must fully lock out at the top of the rep

Squat Snatch

  • Athletes must step past the cone before starting their snatch (lanes are offset - this requirement means that everyone travels the same distance to their bars)

  • The bar must travel from the ground to a fully locked out position overhead in one fluid movement

  • At the bottom of the squat, the athlete’s hip crease must meet or go below parallel with the level of the knee

  • Intermediate athletes may catch the bar in a deep power snatch and ‘ride the bar’ down to the squat

  • When standing the bar up, athletes must lock out at the hips and have arms fully extended for the rep to count

  • Partners may help each other changing plates between rounds

Power Snatch

  • Scaled athletes may catch the bar in a ‘power’ position and when standing the bar up, must lock out at the hips and have arms fully extended for the rep to count

  • Partners may help each other changing plates between rounds